Bytes Technology Group PLC

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Bytes Technology Group PLC
Price: 460 GBX -2.5% Market Closed
Market Cap: 1.1B GBX
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Bytes Technology Group PLC
Investor Relations

Bytes Technology Group PLC, with its roots deeply embedded in the realm of IT services, stands as a pivotal player in the rapidly evolving technology landscape. Originally established in South Africa and now headquartered in the UK, the company has carved out a solid niche by providing software licensing, cloud adoption, security solutions, and digital transformation services. The company's expertise is reflected in its strategic partnerships with tech giants like Microsoft and Adobe, enabling it to deliver a broad spectrum of products and services tailored to meet the complex needs of businesses. Through these collaborations, Bytes Technology leverages its deep industry insights to help clients optimize their IT infrastructure, ensuring not only efficiency but also competitive advantage.

The mechanics of its revenue model are grounded in the consultative approach the company adopts with its clients. By offering bespoke solutions, Bytes Technology generates income from software and hardware sales, cloud services, and recurring subscriptions for maintenance and support. This results in a steady stream of revenue, complemented by its value-added services that offer continual support and innovation to clients. The company's strategic focus on long-term relationships, combined with the scalability of its products, allows it to tap into new market opportunities and expand its footprint, thereby sustaining its growth trajectory and cementing its position as a trusted advisor in the IT domain.

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Earnings Calls

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Ms. Sam Mudd
CEO & Executive Director
No Bio Available
Paul Emms
Director of Group Finance
No Bio Available
Mr. Jack Watson
Managing Director of Bytes Software Services
No Bio Available
Ms. Lisa Prickett
Group Sustainability Manager
No Bio Available
Ms. Clare Metcalfe
MD of Phoenix Software
No Bio Available
Mr. Willem Karel Groenewald
Company Secretary
No Bio Available


Bytes House, Randalls Way