Luminor Financial Holdings Ltd

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Luminor Financial Holdings Ltd
Price: 0.062 SGD
Market Cap: 10.4m SGD
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Luminor Financial Holdings Ltd
Investor Relations

Luminor Financial Holdings Ltd. is an investment company, which engages in the development of integrated residential and commercial properties. The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries are financial solutions business, and property development business. The firm's segments include Property and Financial solutions. The Property segment is engaged in the development of residential, commercial and other properties and leasing of properties held for sale to generate rental income. The Financial solutions segment includes the interest income and fees from financial solutions business in Malaysia.

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Ms. Yu Wen Kwan
Executive Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Aik Teong Lim
Chief Operating Officer of Luminor Capital (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
No Bio Available
Ms. Woon Hong Wee
Company Secretary
No Bio Available
Ms. Wei Shieng Toh
Financial Controller
No Bio Available
Ms. Yook Mun Loh
Chief Executive Officer of Luminor Capital (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
No Bio Available


8 Marina Boulevard, #13-02 Marina Bay Financial Centre Twr 1