Bayer AG

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Bayer AG
Price: 21.375 EUR -1.13% Market Closed
Market Cap: 21B EUR
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Bayer AG
Investor Relations

Bayer AG, a German multinational behemoth, traces its roots back to 1863 in Barmen, when Friedrich Bayer and Johann Friedrich Weskott began their enterprise as a dye-making factory. Fast forward to the present day, and Bayer has evolved into a global powerhouse, seamlessly weaving through pharmaceuticals, consumer health, and agricultural science. At its core, Bayer’s business operations spin around its three main segments: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, and Crop Science. The Pharmaceuticals division is the jewel in Bayer’s crown, focusing on prescription medicines across various therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiology, and gynecology, allowing Bayer to cater to the world's increasing demand for healthcare solutions, which not only drive patient outcomes but also account for a significant chunk of revenue.

Not to be overshadowed, Bayer’s Crop Science division plays a pivotal role, emphasizing its strong commitment to sustainable agriculture. Here, the company develops seeds, traits, and crop protection products that appeal to farmers seeking to enhance yield and manage crop threats. Meanwhile, the Consumer Health division targets over-the-counter products, covering a range of everyday health issues, resonating with consumers seeking self-care solutions. Bayer’s ability to seamlessly integrate its scientific prowess into real-world applications enables the company to extract value across these sectors, creating an intricate mosaic of interdependent streams of revenue and continually reinforcing its stature as a leader in life sciences.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. William N. Anderson
Chairman of the Management Board & CEO
No Bio Available
Mr. Wolfgang U. Nickl
CFO & Member of Management Board
No Bio Available
Mr. Stefan Oelrich
Head of the Pharmaceuticals Division & Member of the Board of Management
No Bio Available
Mr. Rodrigo Santos
Member of Management Board & President of the Crop Science Division
No Bio Available
Ms. Heike Prinz
Chief Talent Officer, Labor Director & Member of Management Board
No Bio Available
Mr. Julio Triana
Member of Management Board & President of Consumer Health Division
No Bio Available
Dr. Sebastian Guth Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
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Amanda McClerren
Chief Information Officer, Head-Digital Transformation & IT-Crop Science Division
No Bio Available
Dr. Jost Reinhard
Head of Investor Relations
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Dr. Thomas Laubert
Head of Law, Patents & Compliance
No Bio Available


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