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Ethos Ltd

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Ethos Ltd
Price: 2 519.55 INR -1.36% Market Closed
Updated: Jun 16, 2024
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Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to the Q4 and FY '24 earnings conference call of Ethos Limited. This conference call may contain forward-looking statements about the company, which are based on the beliefs, opinions and expectations of the company as on date of this call. These statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. [Operator Instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded.

I now hand the conference over to Mr. Pranav Saboo, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Pranav Saboo

Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us on the Ethos Limited Quarter 4 and FY '24 Earnings Conference Call. I hope everyone had a chance to view our financial results and investor presentation recently posted on the company's website and stock exchanges. I am accompanied by our new CFO, Mr. Munish Gupta. He is the CA and Executive MBA from IIM Ahmedabad with 20 years of expertise in construction, hotels, IT travel, start-ups, and FMCG. He spent most of his career with InterGlobe Group, establishing operations, implementing finance processes, and making them stable and scalable. He excels in business strategy, operational challenges, performance bottlenecks and profitability growth.

In addition, we have appointed a new Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Mukul Khanna, a 25-year business leader in consumer durables, telecom, and e-commerce. He excels in P&L management, business strategy, brand and revenue marketing, product management, sales and partnerships. He hold an MBA in marketing from NMIMS Mumbai and an MSC in chemistry from Punjab University, Chandigarh. He's also on this call with us. Additionally, we also have our Executive Director, [indiscernible], on the call. On the call, we also have SGA, our Investor Relationship Advisor.

Let me give you now an overview of our quarter 4 and FY '24 performance, so quarter 4 FY '24 versus quarter 4 FY '23. Revenue from operations is up by 21.7% to INR 52.5 crores. EBITDA for the quarter grew by 45.1% Y-o-Y to INR 44.4 crores. EBITDA margin stood at 17%. PAT, Profit after tax, grew by 57.9% to INR 21 crores. Revenue from operations is up by 26 -- now we're talking about FY '24. Revenue from operations is up by 26.7% to INR 999 crores from INR 788 crores in FY '23.

Revenue growth is attributable to a surge in the high-end watch segment enhanced sales of the preowned watch segment and revenue commencement in the luxury -- other luxury segment. Other income includes fair value gain of INR 2.5 crores. EBITDA grew by 36% to INR 175.3 crores. EBITDA margin stood at 17.1%. PAT grew by 38.1% to INR 83.3 crores. PAT margin for FY '24 stood at 8.1%. Inventory days as on March 31 stood at 161 days. Cash and bank balance stood at INR 345.5 crores as on March 31, 2024. Billing from pre-owned CPO was INR 66 crores in FY '24.

Let me now give you some updates on the industry. Relationships between India and Switzerland have strengthened -- has greatly strengthened recently with the signing of the EFTA agreement. India and the EFTA, a 4-nation European organization, including Switzerland, in the landmark trade and economic partnership agreement to increase trade and investment between the 2 regions. India will gradually phase out custom tariffs under its trade agreement with the EFTA block in this context.

Custom Duty on Swiss watches is currently at 20% and 2% sales on that. Under the EFTA agreement, duty on Swiss watches will be reduced to 0 in a 7-year period. This change is likely to start in the second half of this financial year with a 3% decrease in duty every year. This will improve Ethos' gross margins. More importantly, it will open doors for many more luxury brands to come in, for whom these rates were a deterrent to the profitability and therefore, an Indian presence. We also expect availability and supply to India to increase. So we will witness a margin uptick and the advent of many large brands entering India and improved supply from existing brands as well.

Let me now give you our focus in the upcoming years to come. Number one, increase in physical footprint. We started FY '24 with 54 stores in 20 cities, and we currently have 63 stores in 24 cities. We added new cities such as [indiscernible], Bhubaneshwar, Raipur, Mohali and [indiscernible] boutiques at Pune. During this time, we also closed down 2 stores due to relocation.

Further, we will soon be opening a new City Kochi in June 2024. In FY '24, we spent INR 38.3 crores on the fit out of new stores and restoration of existing ones. In FY '25, we intend to add approximately 20 boutiques in the coming years. We intend to keep growing our physical network in the years to come.

Secondly, improve our digital network. With the launch of the app and an upcoming overhaul of the website, we will focus on better user interaction, UI/UX, digital journey personalization and better service provided by our concierge through the help of technology. We will invest greatly in measuring each of these and move forward with maintaining the digital edge for providing the ultimate place for watch enthusiast to research about their watches and use data to provide relevant and unparalleled customer service.

Thirdly, deploying AI. We have shortlisted 4 use cases of AI in the first year of deployment of AI, for which we now have a dedicated team, which goes beyond simply chatbots and other basic AI tools. These projects require the training of LLMs and foundation models, which have started now. These models will be proprietary to us and will be deployed through our sales network and digital platforms in the next year to achieve, again, incredible customer service. through unparalleled presentations for customers, website research journey, visual searches and much more.

Fourthly, increasing strategic mode with exclusive brands. Exclusive brands provided a great mode and allow many advantages, including store rollout, higher margin and greater growth. Exclusive brands continue to do well, and we anticipate this trend will continue in the future.

In FY '24, exclusive brands accounted for nearly 29% of our total sales from our portfolio of 51 brands. Exclusive brands help generate higher revenue, and this is also a high return on capital employed business. We see tremendous opportunities as we continue to expand our broader digital network. We are constantly in talks and at advanced stages with several brands about adding them to our portfolio.

Large focus -- fifthly, large focus on setting the foundation for HR and greater professionalization. The need for the hour to achieve the 10-year goal of 10x revenue is to get great talent at every level. We will make investments into our training school for talent on the shop floor as well as investment into engagement of the HR to lower attrition. We will continue to invest into our design and tech teams as well to enable the strengthening of the foundation for our long-term goals.

Six, please, brand enhancement and refresh. This year, we want to enhance the brand value of Ethos through a brand refresh and alignment to ensure it reflects the premiumization that we want to achieve. We will work with the best creative agencies in the country or the world to ensure all our brand touch points, from shopping bag to logos to smells in the stores, represent our ambition of the ultimate luxury and credible luxury destination. We want customers to choose Ethos before they choose the brand, and this will be a powerful shift once it is achieved and will allow us to achieve our lofty ambitions.

Lastly, lifestyle preowned vertical and service department. With regard to the performance of the removal division. Our first store in Mumbai is doing quite well. As we said recently in all -- in our most recent results call, it has been profitable on a PAT basis in month 1. We see a lot of opportunities in this business. The lifestyle business, headed by [indiscernible], will sign up 2 more [indiscernible] boutique that should be operational in the second half of the year or early next year. We will open our first boutique this year for luxury clocks at [indiscernible] in Bangalore, with a brand known as Clock 2. We are now actively -- also now actively looking for our first flagship boutique for Mesica in the country.

We are discussing timing on more brands for this vertical. We have interest from very large brands that do over $700 million worldwide to enter India with us. Slowly and steadily, we will expand this vertical. Due to competitive reasons, I cannot yet announce these names, but they are extremely iconic brands. They want to enter the Indian market with us as the retail partner. The Lifestyle division will be a priority area for us.

I am happy to share that the success of the state-of-the-art service center in Delhi was extremely heartening. We now plan to open a second service center in Bengaluru, which will be operational in the second quarter of this year, allowing us to expand our geographic footprint service. We see tremendous opportunity in the service center business. We shall grow steadily. However, we shall grow on this.

Preowned vertical. We remain committed to growing this business, and we'll continue to invest in it. We are working on removing the bottlenecks of service with manpower edition and training schools as well as regulatory hurdles which we are confident we can achieve. I hope this gives a sense of what we are going to be working on in the coming years.

These earnings call now represent 2 years of earnings calls since we listed. We have given short-term guidance until now to guide investors and increased stability. We will now focus on long-term strategies and long-term visions instead of just focusing on giving short-term guidance. For the upcoming years, we feel confident. And once the election phase is over, I'm sure there will be great success. And we want to set this up as a foundation year for the next decade.

Thank you, everyone. I hope we have answered. Thank you, everyone. And now with this, I open up the floor to question and answers.


[Operator Instructions] The first question is from the line of Ravin Arvi from Naredi Investment.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, we are well in top line INR 1,000 crores. First of all, congratulations to you and your team. Our net profit margin is around 8.33%. So any increased possibility in future if yes, how much -- this is my first question.

Pranav Saboo

You have any other questions just to list down all your question.

Unknown Analyst

Yes. second, as you mentioned you in 10 -- 10 years, we will be 10x. So what strategy and how much store we need? And how much more? QIB you need because the QIB is always expensive. So I want to know a first thing.

Pranav Saboo

Let me answer your first question in terms of profitability. In terms of profitability, I don't want to give a number in terms of what we can achieve and what we can't achieve -- but our focus is to continue to grow our margins through operational leverage and through a brand mix change focusing on more exclusive brands, where discounts can be reduced and the gross margin is much more. So yes, we do believe that in the future profit margins can increase.

Next question is regarding our 10-year vision in terms of how many boutiques we need. We will continue to grow the number of boutiques as and when the opportunity rises. We are -- all I can say at this point of time is that in the next year, we have 25 boutiques coming up. We have a clear runway up to 150 boutiques. Once we achieve that, we will once again relook at whether we require more capital or we don't require more capital.

However, whatever we do, we want to be very cognizant of the fact that we are -- we take return on invested capital extremely seriously as well as return on capital employed extremely seriously, and we will look towards that. We have seen a return on investment ROIC on our mature stores already increasing and almost all stores that have been opened are profitable and giving incremental return on invested capital, which is how we want to focus going forward.


The next question is from the line of Kush Rani from InCred Asset Management.

Unknown Analyst

So a, I wanted to understand how the new pricing work with exclusive brands? And b, if you could give some unit economics for your new stores relative the breakeven, what is the payback period, et cetera? That would be helpful. These are the first questions.

Pranav Saboo

Sorry, what was the first question? Exclusive brand, what about...

Unknown Analyst

How does the pricing work? Or how do you -- the pricing works with these exclusive times that we have 51 banks?

Pranav Saboo

Right. The pricing is in our hand for -- the pricing is largely in our hands. Of course, we need a mutual agreement. But the most brands -- most exclusive, all exclusive then allow us to set the pricing in India as per what we seem fit.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Sure. And second question is on the unit economics of these exclusive stores. If you could highlight what would be the CapEx per store, the payback period and the IRS?

Pranav Saboo

I didn't understand. What is an exclusive store?

Unknown Analyst

Overall bookings, sir, the bookings that you're opening.

Pranav Saboo

So in terms of new boutique -- varies from boutique to boutique, like last year, we opened a [indiscernible] and is profitable from the first year. In fact, Asur was opened in October and it's profitable.

For other boutique varies, but all our boutiques are profitable, most of the boutiques are profitable from first year.

Unknown Executive

Yes. We have -- the way we look at it is that we try to touch 18% to 20% return on capital in the first year itself. That's how we target it.

Unknown Analyst

Got that got it. And last question, sir, how are these stores in nonmetro cities performed over the last year?

Pranav Saboo

We're very happy with their performance.


The next question is from the line of Ankush Agrawal from Soji Capital.

Unknown Analyst

So firstly, a few months back, we have diluted our stake in Silver City brands in favor of our old company at [indiscernible]. And I believe security what owns the rights to further [indiscernible]. I wanted to understand why the at it.

Pranav Saboo

Any other question?

Unknown Analyst

Yes. Secondly, sir, if I look at our gross margins, so starting 2024, the ForEx FX has corrected substantially, plus typically, we get price ratio from than in the first year from the start of the year. So why have we not seen any improvement in gross margins in the quarter? And how should we look at it going forward?

And lastly, on this import duty reduction. So you said that we expect 3% reduction in H2, and that will add to gross margins. So I think last quarter, there was a discussion with Sabalo said in case exclusive brands, we will keep the entire differential in case of reduction in for the customs. And in case of nonexclusive, it will be shared. So based on that, if you can guide to an extent like out of the 22%, that's the duty is going to reduce how much in force will be able to capture or those 3.

Pranav Saboo

Okay. So let's start with Power [indiscernible]. You see that, currently, as I mentioned, 50 exclusive brands are required to give us 30% of our business. I want to first start by saying what is total will focus upon India, Ethos' core competency is retail in India, right?

Our long-term goal is to reach 50% of our brands coming where we have exclusivity and through strategic tie-ups. -- right? So now if I -- if we are at 50 brands or 45 exclusives, 45 to 50 exclusive brands get us 30%, and we need to add another 20% right? We can either do it by adding another 25, 50 brands or we can say, let's take 1 brand and where we have a great sea in the brand where we have great influence in the brand where we can design products specifically for us, do an extremely long-term extremely long-term contract as well as invest significantly in the beginning without the fear of changes in contract, et cetera. then we can hit critical mass with one, and we can do instead of investing in or into another 25 brands, we can do it by taking 1 brand to hit critical mass and achieve the next 20% with 1 brand.

That has been the plan on why we said that look, we need 1 brand where we invest and control a stake or a significant stake, not a majority stake necessarily. The rest of the money is going to come in from KDDL because KDDL is going to continue to do the manufacturing for the brand. the manufacturing know-how is over there. The retail part will come from us with the 30-odd percent that we have now in Power Luber will allow us to control the brand or influence the brand in terms of product, in terms of how they will be in India, their presence in India, et cetera, and grow the brand to become 1 of the greatest brands in India and make sure that we reach our goal of getting 50% of our business coming in through exclusive brands. That's the reason why the next phase of investment came in from KDDL where they will do the manufacturing. -- come just a clarification over here.

But we could have either always transferred the manufacturing in terms of partnership with Serta. I mean answering the ownership back to a promoter group entity don't in DTL shareholders weren't interested in that manner. No. But KDDL is a related party, right? So now if they own the brand on a certain percentage of the brand. Yes, but they only 65% right now, which is more than what the cost we do

The conflict in the sense that the deal was brought to those, right, as interest deal they bought it and then...

Unknown Analyst

Look, I don't believe that there is a context of interest. I think the Board -- both the boards have done have deliberated over this the manufacturing will be the greatest investment that is going to be made. We wanted a manufacturing tie-up that is permanent in nature. -- the manufacturing of the factory, et cetera, setting up of the plastic cannot be done by ethos. We cannot outsource it. was not interested unless they own the brand as well, which is why it came in from there. I was will focus upon its core competency of retail in India.

That's all I have to say at this matter. Let's move on from this. If you have more points, we can connect on it. Or if you have other suggestions, please let us know off-line. My next point to your thing was import duty margins. If we go towards the 50% of our business pits 30%, where we will capture the entire amount. If we go towards 50%, we will capture 22% of tax. And so from the improvement of gross margins in Q4, like since the FX is reduced?

Pranav Saboo

Sorry, what is that?

Unknown Analyst

Why have we not seen improvement in gross margin in the current quarter given that the FX rate as per substantially in 2024? And we typically price corrections based on FX rate in the start of the year.

Pranav Saboo

So internal ForEx, like we mentioned in the last call also, the CHF NR at the start of the year was 92%. As in December 23, it was 99%, which was not seen historically. And again, now it's INR 92 -- in terms of overall ForEx gain in Q4, we are positive by INR 1.3 crores. And for the full year, the overall ForEx is there is a loss -- as mentioned in the earlier call also that price increase was due from January onwards, and some of the brands have already increased our prices. From that point of view, in Yes. The next question is from the line of Smiths -- she from Bevan Securities. Yes. Sir, out of the 25 boutiques, which are lined up for the next year to be open, I mean, in FY '25, could you throw some light about in first half, how many of them are opening and a couple of them where we have signed it in some dates on the opening schedule? Right.

So as I mentioned, Kochi, which is our -- it's a 5,000 square feet boutique will open around of July. We already have another score in Pune that has already opened. We have 6 moots which are lined up for opening in Moloi Phoenix. So more of Asia, Bangalore. That's the landmark boutique mall coming up from the Phoenix Group. And that will open when that mall is ready to open. So it looks like it is going to be the second half of the financial year. We have 6 routes over there because that is a landmark luxury mall that is coming up in -- has that been delayed so this mall of Asia Bangalore, -- has that been delayed? by the mall operators themself? -- the luxury floor is not yet open.

So the first store is open, the second for is open, but the first floor is delayed, which is why we want to open when it is fully thriving. So that's why there is a bit of a delay over there. So whenever there is a delay, it is usually a delay when the location hasn't been handed over to us. As another example, we should be starting in the next 60 days, the Bangalore duty-free airport that had a lot of compliance issues in terms of security passes, et cetera, which needed to be arranged and things kept change requirements kept changing over there, and that got us a little bit delays.

So the delay that we are facing is not so much because of internal management reasons, but external reasons where the locations aren't being handed over to us in time. We have in -- we have also Gradon launching in another 45 days. Kochi already mentioned to you. Our service centers would be quarter 2. Bangalore will open also before the second half. And our flagship boutique, which is a City of Time, we are hoping to open around Diwali.


The next question is from the line of Devanshu Bansal from Emkay Global.

Devanshu Bansal

Congratulations, Pranav, for a strong FY '24 and all the best for capitalizing on the big tailwind from FTA agreement. I have 4 questions. What is the CHF rate at which the brands have revised their MRPs for CY '24? Number one. Number 2 is inventory has increased by about INR 100 crores for the 10 stores that we opened during the year. This implies slightly higher inventory per store than the guided range. So your thoughts on that.

The other 2 are bookkeeping questions. The employee expenses have increased this quarter. Is this in anticipation of the new stores that are expected to come up in the coming quarters? And last one is, what is the SSG for the quarter?

Pranav Saboo

Let's start with the last one. SSG is 10% for the quarter. What were the other questions? Sorry, I forgot.

Munish Gupta

Because of new stores An employee cost. Let's talk about the employee cost. Employee costs are rising because of we are preparing for -- number one, we are hiring ahead of time. Number 2 is the fact that we are setting up even at the top management, first of all, more vertical which require upfront senior leadership to be hired, for example, for the Lifestyle division.

For example, now in tech, we have we have greater hiring that is taking place to incorporate AI and for the app teams to come in the results of this will be seen in the future, right? Because the app will not provide us revenue this year, but for the -- in the next year, it will be a game changer in my opinion. So for these 3 reasons, new verticals greater hiring at the tech and design level as well as advanced hiring for store rollouts -- because we've never rolled out as many stores in a single year that we did last year or in this year that is coming up. This is the reason why that is going up.

Number 2 was your question on greater inventory. Again, we are timing on brands ahead of -- we're signing on new brands as well, which are adding on the inventory right now. And that is going to be -- it will normalize in the years -- in the months to come because we bought the stock, but some of the stores are delayed. That's one of the reasons that, for example, our largest project, City of Time, it's taking a little bit more time, but we still signed on some more exclusive brands that will be inaugurated over here. That's the reason you see this, but you will see a normalization of this taking place.

Your first question, I don't remember.


Devanshu Bansal

N in Q1 CHS to INR, yes. different brands have done it very differently. But averagely price increase that was taken in the first quarter was roughly about 7% to 8%. Both brands are priced around the INR 92 mark, 92, yes.

Unknown Analyst

So broadly at current levels, right?

Yes. Pranav, just a follow-up on this. December rates were like 9,900, right? So any reason why the conversion rate was chosen to be lower?

Devanshu Bansal

INR 9,,900 was only -- because first of all, again, it's about 93 that it is 92 to 93. Our exclusive brands are at about 100. The reason is that everybody took a percentage increase, and 98, 99 was literally the last 15 days or the last 30 days of the month. So it is a more longer outlook to first get them to 92, 93, the nonexclusive brands. exclusive range is a little bit easier because we can move it up and down as we see it.

Unknown Analyst

Got it. I just have 1 follow-up. You indicated that SSD is 10% for the quarter. I noticed that your ASPs have actually -- not ASPs, but average realizations have gone up by about 20-odd percent. So any reason for this moderation in volume growth? Is it expected to pick up in coming quarters? Your thoughts on that, please? That is my last question.

Pranav Saboo

Let me just talk about overall the numbers. You see the numbers actually very largely when you look at -- if you remove the segment below INR 1 lakh, which we are exiting out of [indiscernible]. I just want to talk about overall the segment above INR 1 lakh. FY '23, we sold 18,471 watches above INR 1 lakh. In FY '24, we sold 22,000 watches, which was an increase of 19%. So we are looking at volume increase. One should look at the volume increase above the 1 at fee mark and not overall as a number because, as I've mentioned in my previous calls, we are exiting the fashion category the non-Swiss category from Ethos watches, is, boutiques across India.

Unknown Analyst

This is very encouraging, Pranav. Just one feedback. If you could include this data in your PPT, then it would be very helpful for us to analyze that.

Pranav Saboo

So yes, I have this data ready because actually, I know that this question would come. That's why I have the study will try and incorporate it in the PPT.


The next question is from the line of Bhavya Sonawala from Samara Capital.

Unknown Analyst

Congratulations on a great set of numbers. Actually, my main question has been answered in terms of the previous participant. Just 2 clarifications you spoke about in the initial remark, I'm not sure if you spoke about saying that you're going to introduce new store -- new stores of Rimowa -- or was that with relation with the clock in ubiity and other Mexico stores?

And my second question, second clarification was in terms of will the Bangalore Airport have the first -- is this our first airport store?

Pranav Saboo

No. Our first airport score is in Delhi. And secondly, yes, that is correct, 2 more remove stores have been signed up in Pori Mall in Delhi and Mall of Asia in Bangalore. It takes 9 months of pick out to be able to achieve -- or 6 months of pickup of out 6 to 7 months of sit-out period, but that is once they hand over the stores.

So the other 2 locations have been identified. They have been signed, mall as agreed, brand has agreed. We just need the handover now from the mall because they are running stores. So the existing tenant has to emporexisting tenant has to move up. And in Bangalore, the mall has to be fully operational before we open. But it just shows that we are on an aggressive path to finding the best locations for Renova rollouts.

Unknown Analyst

Yes, understood. Just a follow-up, sir, just to understand what are our thoughts in terms of import stores? We see a few more coming -- going ahead? And what kind of targets are we looking at for airport store because I can see it's Dalian bagels what are we looking at more airport to Overall, I'm bullish on travel retail, and we are looking at opportunities in travel retail. And we have operated the Delhi Airport for a long time. Now we are entering the Bangalore Airport as well. And we will continue to operate in travel retail. And return on capital is quite similar for us as it is in the company.

In fact, perhaps even a little bit greater -- but again, I don't want to go into store specific numbers, et cetera, I think that all I can say is that the company remains bullish on Travel Retail.


The next question is from the line of Omkar Gogri from Street Investments.

Unknown Analyst

My first question, in the PPT, you have mentioned that in Q4 2014, the online visitors have dropped at 50% and raindrop for FY '23 from FY '20 to FY '24 as -- can you just explain the significant.

Pranav Saboo

Yes. I think the number one reason is that you see we removed all the lower price point watches like Cassio, Fossil, Michael Kors, et cetera. They are no longer on the website. So that removes a large chunk all the traffic because we don't want to focus on that.

We really want our focus to be on the higher price points. And on the core strength of Ethos, the other smaller price points we will achieve through distribution on online platforms and other retailers. But on the Ethos website, we want to remove that and focus on greater conversion I'm happy to report that our business that is generated from it is rising despite the drop in traffic, which is a strategic call, our business from the website has increased. Our profitability of that business also has increased.

Unknown Analyst

[Technical Difficulty]

I was asking Sorry to interrupt you there is an echo from your can you please said? Other than asking so they are available on the other formats, right?

Pranav Saboo

I Sorry I'm unable to hear. Am I the only 1 who can't hear? I can't hear. Anyone here GS?

Why don't we come back in the queue because...

Unknown Analyst

-- is it audible now, sir? Yes, it's already with Yes. I was asking is watches we on unit platforms, right?

Pranav Saboo

Yes. For us as well, we are signing on new brands that will be exclusively with us, that we will distribute them through online platforms and other retailers, which is the reason to set up RF enterprises rather than do it entirely for sports, where we want to focus on prices above INR 1 lakh because it gives us better return on capital employed, and we want to make Ethos a premium journey, Swiss watches, luxury watches, not fashion watches, which are made in China.

I don't have anything against it. It's not a judgment call, but it's just not the same category and the category be separately. That's why.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. The second and third question is regarding -- the 150 stores which you want to achieve? So like how many you are targeting those stores? And third question is when you open a new store in a new city, like a couple of factors which will go into opening the new sort of quarters? What is the thinking behind that if you can; briefly?

Pranav Saboo

Well we want to achieve 150 stores over the next 5, 6 years. But -- what goes into when we look at a store, when we are looking at a store is that -- number 1 is we like to see the amount of unaided traffic or unadvertised traffic that comes from the website to our city other markers of of HNI behavior, for example, number of 5 hotels, the number of luxury car agencies in the cities and data from our partners on what is the what is their estimate of the business from the city on the basis of that we decide which format and where to go in the city.

Unknown Analyst

In the last question, you have mentioned that you are targeting Tesrevenue in Tough I'm not telling you to give particular number, but that would be like INR 10,000 crores. So it's not an EBITDA margin when can we achieve the other significant operating leverage? And what can be the margins going forward, not a yearly basis, maybe directionally, you can?

Pranav Saboo

Directionally upwards, and that's all I want to say at this point of time.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of [indiscernible] Amana from P&A Capital.

Unknown Analyst

congrats first of all on good set of numbers. of all set of numbers. main questions. You guided for 20 -- or 20 store openings this year. So are these all 20 stores going to be echos -- or is it going to a mix of Etom and Mexico? That's my question number one. Question number 2 is you mentioned something along the lines of that, that H2 could be better and you were highlighting option elections. So do you see any headwinds in terms of demand because of this entire election scenario we are having? So those are my first 2 questions.

Pranav Saboo

Thank you. Very good questions. Yes, first of all, it is a mix of the 2 mix of what we call mono-brand boutiques and multi-brand boutiques, of course, the multi-brand boutiques will carry the Ethos name. Monobrand boutiques will carry the names of the different brands, whether it is brighten, whether it is Panera, whether it is X, Y or removal. It is a mixture of the -- it's not just the cost or not only EVOs. It's a mixture of multi-brand and exclusive brand outlets. Next question is on the question of elections. every time there are elections, the 2 months that lead up to the election are a little bit subdued, and we see great numbers in the months after it. This is because of typically a couple of things. Number 1 is the model code of conduct, which comes into place, which we strip the movement of cash we are allowed to sell watches in cash up to 199,000 but the movement of cash above 50,000 Watlerestrict that sales Secondly, we can't do events because there are a lot of restrictions around what events are possible, the service of any beverage alcoholic beverages, et cetera. nothing is allowed so events also slow down during this period.

However, it is always followed in the next few months with a great boom in it. That's why I said that the following 3 quarters might be better than the first quarter, but I must say April has gone well we are doing well in May and things are going to be exciting in the year ahead.

Unknown Analyst

I just have another 2 more questions. I'm just kind of squeezing very quickly. One is regarding the volume growth. You mentioned that we have around 19% volume growth for the full year. And we have also seen that the average selling price has increased by 19%. So this ASP is on account of -- since we exited the under 1 lakh quarters, is it because of that? That's my first question. And the second question was you mentioned in the opening remarks that the 22% VAT we have on the taxes, is it going to be -- like it's going to be reduced on like on a 7-year period? And in H2, you're going to have consult 3% decrease in this. Did I hear this right?

Pranav Saboo

The first question was with average selling prices. Yes, it's going -- the quantities should be looked at above INR 1 lakh because we are exiting the price point below significantly below -- at least below 50,000 wears. We are exiting and every time the picture that if you look at only the numbers that are given in volumes without looking at understanding it, it seems as if volumes are dropping. -- volumes are not dropping volumes are continuing to grow. We are just exiting the price point below 1 or below INR 50,000.

My next -- your next question was average on duty reduction, duty reduction requires 2 logistical steps that need to be taken. It is a matter of time in our opinion we expect that the Swiss approval -- the Swiss paper work will be completed in the second half of the year. And with that will be the first cut in duty, which is 20% plus will be reduced to 0%, so 3-point-something percent every year will be the reduction, which we hope -- which we expect should start in the second year -- second half of the financial year.


The next question is from the line of Kunal Sharma from SP Capital.

Unknown Analyst

[indiscernible] the new stores, so what's the payment period for the new stores collaborate?

Pranav Saboo

Sorry, I can't -- you need to speak a little bit more into the -- I can't hear what you said.

Unknown Analyst

So I wanted to ask about the new stores. So what is the payback period for the new store?

Pranav Saboo

Payback period for different stores differ greatly depending upon which format. But as I mentioned, that we target a 20% return on capital in the first year itself. And obviously, it will grow in the years to come. That is our target with every store opening, there's a form and a process, which we follow when we are making our decision-making on these stores. And largely, we have seen that in the last year, these stores have been giving floor to that mark, not 20%, but close to that mark in the first year itself and it always increases in the next year.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. So is it for the both metro and nonmetro?

Pranav Saboo

Yes, both.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. And recently guided that you just elaborate on the recent event on the election side. So can we expect the could be a normalized or like subdued numbers during the quarter because of the...

Pranav Saboo

It might be -- so let me explain this again. And for the benefit of everyone due to the election, there is a moderate code of conduct, which some news the first 2 months we expect April and May to be subdued, but June will be a big month. It might be a slightly subdued 1, but we don't expect any effect on the long-term performance of the year.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. And then lastly, on the [indiscernible] business, if you could just -- you have elaborated about the end move up, but if you could just share your thoughts on Mexico as well? So how it is performing?

Pranav Saboo

Sorry. I just want to reiterate this so that it's clearly understood. Even if there is any -- we've already seen April, April was a success for us. It doesn't mean that it is going to be a subdued quarter. We just expect great growth in the coming quarters and everything is going as per our expectations in this quarter. I don't want to say that quarter 1 will be subdued. I just know that I just feel that after the election, the growth will be even better.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. That's great. And lastly, on the Masa, if you could just share some thoughts on the same?

Pranav Saboo

Mexico, we are till now, we were looking at -- we had done a pilot project right now till now, which was inside our store at MGD, which is geowarrive in Mumbai. -- that was a success. Now we want to shift to a full-fledged boutique, which is act as a flagship boutique. -- we are very confident that we should be able to find it this year and hopefully launch 1 by the end of the year, which will be a dedicated boutique and the first boutique for Mexico in the country.

We want to go ahead with the international branded jewelry. We believe this will be big, but we want to take slow and steady measures. We want to start the first boutique, make it a success as we have done in [indiscernible] and then expand on that.


The next question is from the line of Ajay Kumar Suria from Novation.

Unknown Analyst

Can you provide the breakup between like top 3 stores will be contributing how much of a revenue? And sir, another question on the average selling price. Across tire 3 cities and Trencities, how much difference would that be and the average selling price of the watches? Any guidance on that?

Pranav Saboo

I'm not sure we are revealing this data on the first 3 stores in terms of percentage. At this point of time, we are not -- we haven't sent this out for competitive reasons. We prefer not to give this out right now. in terms of Tier 2 and Tier 1 cities, we see a price difference typically of about 20% to 25% on like-to-like scores. Got it. And if the brand mix is the same.

Unknown Analyst

Got it. Sir, next question, sir, again, a clarification on the Silver City transaction. Sir, because now --

Pranav Saboo

Restricted to 2 questions. I don't have more clarifications. Just go back to the answer that I had given. And that is my comment that Ethos will focus on Indian retail. Etodoesn't have the manufacturing know-how. It requires manufacturing commitments and investments that will -- that is not possible to do only by a retail company. Its will focus on the on retail in India and to grow from 30% in exclusive, went to 50%, we refer to take -- instead of starting another 30 brands, we want to focus on 1 brand and make sure it reach a critical mark with a significant stakeholder in the company.


The next question is from the line of Vikas Mistry from Moonshot Ventures.

Unknown Analyst

And thanks for being the first critical creator doing this in India. So we try to take some longer view of what we're trying to do. And we're trying -- just I want to ask you that a lot of let brands are coming to India, and you have done really good innovation work just to start remove right on time and [indiscernible]. Do you think that are you firing innovation in putting different boutiques or different price points to cater to Indian consumer? Are we trying to give ourselves room to just fall in 1 or 2 kind of boutiques 2 kind of formats?

Are we trying to just put that innovation in the right on track? How do you see this company to be saving after 3, 4 years? And if you get this innovation, right, can we see a big thing coming out of it?

Pranav Saboo

I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but it is your question that why are we setting up different boutiques for different brands other than [indiscernible]?

Unknown Analyst

SP-20 No, no, no. Sorry for Interruption. I'm just trying to ask that are we good enough with just 2 brands to go forward after may be 3, 4 years? Can we do further brands to take to India and make sure that our trajectory on growth remains right and off?

Pranav Saboo

So yes, I would like to just focus on One key signal that I would like to give is that we moved our best person in the company, the Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Manoj Subramaniam, is now heading this vertical. The reason for this is that we believe that it will open doors that are incredible and this business can be extremely large in the future. So yes, we want to bring on more brands. We will bring on brands getting brand takes time, but then the brands stay for many, many decades with us.

We are now, and as I said in my each as well. One of the biggest brands in the world, which does more than $700, $800 million turnover globally. We are in discussion to bring them into India exclusively with us. So yes, we do expect many, many more brands to come in, in the future. It will be slow and car. We are not going to be restricted to 2 brands.


The next question is from the line of Pallavi from Sami. [indiscernible]

Unknown Analyst

So it was on -- what is the volumes you are looking at for Faraba, I think you had earlier mentioned 3,000 in the first 10,000 in the next year. So would that be only India sales or those would be global sales? And then how would already be able to manage sales globally?

Pranav Saboo

Let me explain this. Yes, 3,000 merchants is globally. It's about 2,500 watches, manufacturing, it depends 10,000 depends upon manufacturing ability. The first thing is global distribution will take place through the Silver City company. Silver City is an independent company that will be owned both jointly by KDL and Ethos.

Silver City will do the -- Silver City, that is headed by Mr. Patrick Hoffman, who is the CEO of [indiscernible], has set up an international distribution very, very successfully. He's the person who's going to be leading that distribution globally.

The manufacturing will be done with the help of [indiscernible]. That requires investments. The investment is not possible to outsource that investment. Therefore, it is -- therefore, the only way to do that work through the KBL tie-up. Ethos will focus upon the India sales.

Unknown Analyst

What is the volume that are sitting for India?

Pranav Saboo

Well, India will be buying roughly 2,000 watches in the -- 2,000 -- or 1,800 to 2,000 watches in the first year. We don't know exactly for the second year. I don't have the numbers in front of me. We can circle back to that later.

Unknown Analyst

Right, sir. And the total CapEx, if you could give for next year?

Pranav Saboo

For which company?

Unknown Analyst

For Ethos, just...

Pranav Saboo

We don't have that guidance available right now. We have to come back to that.


The last question is from the line of Devanshu Gulati from Avid Investments.

Unknown Analyst

First of all, congratulations on a great quarter. I have 2 questions. The first one is, what is the percentage of your second movement business, the preowned watch business revenue as part of the total revenue mix? And the second question that I had is, how long are these partnerships typically with the exclusive brands?

Obviously, it will be different for different brands, but if you can just give a general duration for these partnerships.

Pranav Saboo

The 5 years with an auto renewal. We don't sign on now anything under 5 years without an auto renewal of another 5 years or another 4 years, right? So that means that if the numbers are achieved for 5 years, then there will be an auto renewal for another 4 years.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. And what about the second movement business, the pre-owned watch business? How much is that?

Pranav Saboo

INR 66 crores for the previous financial year.


Due to time constraint, we will take that as the last question. I would now like to hand the conference over to the management for closing comments.

Pranav Saboo

Thank you, everyone. I hope that we were able to answer all your questions satisfactorily. If you need any further clarification or want to know more about the company, please contact the SGA team, our investor relationship adviser. Thank you for attending this call, and I wish you all a good evening.


On behalf of Ethos Limited, that concludes this conference. Thank you for joining us, and you may now disconnect your lines.

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