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NBCC (India) Ltd

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NBCC (India) Ltd
Price: 150.65 INR 5.79% Market Closed
Updated: Jun 3, 2024

Earnings Call Analysis

Q3-2024 Analysis
NBCC (India) Ltd

Company Foresees Substantial Growth in Next 5 Years

The company anticipates comfortable revenue growth, with projections of a 10-20% increase next year, and potential for significant expansion, potentially exceeding INR 20,000-25,000 crores over the next five years. Financial concerns, such as encroachment issues that impacted profits, are resolved with no money issues noted, paving the way for solid inventory sales of 10,000 units, with 3,000 projected for this year. They are optimistic about achieving Maharatna status within five years, with a roadmap in development. Exceptional losses related to flat reconstruction are expected to cease, presenting a more stable financial outlook.

Consolidated Growth and Projections

The company presented a robust order backlog, with a consolidated order book reaching INR 5,300 crores moving into stand-alone projects of approximately INR 5,430 crores. They have set a target for the next financial year around INR 12,000 crores, marking a significant hike from the current target of INR 8,000 crores. This comes after already rendering INR 6,000 crores awarded this year and with INR 21,000 crores already committed to various projects.

Sales and Completion Outlook

Progress continues with vigour as INR 195 crores were awarded for the WTC project, which now stands at 93% completion, and full completion expected by March. Sales are also strong, with a target of INR 13,000 crores to sell, out of which INR 10,000 crores have already been achieved, leaving INR 3,000 crores to be sold before March.

Margin Performance and Expectations

The company signaled a healthy margin environment. Current year EBITDA margins are projecting at 5% to 5.5%, with a slight improvement expected next year, rising to 5.5% to 6%. PAT margins echo this performance, maintaining around 5% and anticipated to grow to more than 5%.

Financial Health and Liquidity

Financial liquidity remains a strong point with a healthy cash balance of INR 4,800 crores on a consolidated basis. The company's own funds are around INR 1,000 crores, bolstered by deserved seed money from prior redevelopment projects. This financial backing will support ongoing and future business endeavors.

Revenue Predictions for the Upcoming Quarter

For the upcoming quarter, the company sets a definitive revenue goal, pegging it at around INR 4,000 crores on a consolidated basis, thereby achieving INR 3,500 to INR 4,000 crores.

Long-Term Business Forecast

Looking five years ahead, the company targets a revenue guidance of around INR 25,000 crores, with the real estate business projected to contribute 5% to 10% of this figure. Furthermore, there are expectations to reach a PAT margin of 8% over this period.

Expansion through Strategic Land Deals

The company is in active discussions to further acquire valuable land parcels, engaging with several PSUs and anticipating deals exceeding INR 10,000 crores in value. These transactions are expected to be formalized either this year or in the first quarter of the next year.

Optimistic Growth Outlook Over the Next Fiscal Year

Regarding fiscal expectations, the company is optimistic, considering an increase of at least 20% to 25% in revenue for the next fiscal year, albeit acknowledging initial due diligence and clearances that may be necessary.

Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

from 0

Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to NBCC India Limited 3Q FY '24 Results Conference Call. [Operator Instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded. I now hand the conference over to Mr. Romesh shot from Nomura. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Unknown Analyst

Thank you, Savi. Good morning, everyone. On the behalf of Nomura and NBCC, we welcome you all for 3Q FY '24 Results Conference Call of NBCC Limited. We are happy to host the management of NBCC Limited. From the management side, today, we have Sri Kellambally Mahadevaswamy, Chairman, Comanaging Director; Shrimati B.K. Sokhey, Director of Finance; Shri Salama, Director Projects; Shri Rajendra Chaudhari, Senior Executive Director, Engineering; Shrimati Reshma Duane, Executive Director, Engineering; Also, we have Investor Relations, Balkishan Singla. So now we have -- we hand over the call to management to give initial remarks on the results and the current business outlook. Over to you, sir. Thank you.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Good morning, everyone. I am K.P. Mahadevaswamy, CMD NBCC. On behalf of my team, I extend a warm welcome to you and appreciate your presence in today's earning call for third quarter ended 31st December 2023. I have with me our other directors and senior management of NBCC. First of all, I express sincere gratitude to all shareholders, particularly you, the investors who strongly believe in NBCC system, which helped to post all-time high share price recently. If I recall last February when I took responsibility of Director Commercial, it was around INR 35, and now it is multiple times. I assure you as the CMD of this company, in coming years, our performing release elevate much fold. In terms of consolidated operation and execution on 9 months basis, we have achieved INR 6,566 crores of total income and INR 361 crores PBT, which is 63% higher on year-on-year basis, and significant 66% increase in pace for 9 months. I want to share a few key achievement of NBCC. Regarding development project. At consolidated level, NBCC has secured business of INR 10,004 during last 9 months, whereas the same figure was INR 6,400 crores in the last year, previous year, update regarding Amrapali projects. Andares has contributed INR 1,017 crores turnover in NBCC top line. I'm happy to share that out of 38,000 housing units, 16,000 units are already completed and ending or in process. Additional another 14,000 units will be ready at the earliest by December 2024. NBCC along with Aspire team has achieved a sale of 6,000 units in Amrapali project with the total sale value of INR 3,500 crores. Updates regarding development projects. Margin could trade center is 93% completed. Netaji project first phase is going on with the project worth of INR 1,500 crores, it has been achieved financial project percentages, 48% completed. Arginase, this is a large project and work in phases is going on with the project value of INR 4,200 crores. NBCC Real Estate. NBCC is putting dedicated efforts in this direction to reach maximum potential by us and increase the sales volume as well as profitability. We are already able to sell INR 117 crores of NBCC real estate in comparison with INR 37 crores of last year, 9 months. Redevelopment on the real estate sale, development real at sale before March '24, we'll be able to sell the remaining units after construction, project tenders out for execution in current financial year around INR 6,800 crores worth of projects have been awarded, which will start and grown very soon and help to increase our turnover. Other major achievements. In aggression of in Sambalpur by adorable Prime Minister, a new campus spread in 200 acres. Under the world's largest grain storage plant in cooperative sector, NBCC has signed a total 175 MOU with the PAC and cooperative banks still lay in different states across India. National Dental Commission was integrated by health minister. Under the President of India integrated by NBCC build Colson, Andra Union Minister and Home and as well as cooperation integrated offices in World Trade Center. Ander Bala, President of India Integrated NBCC ran Replica of Historic Black Posts, Andaman President, upgraded NBCC for a timely completion of the tales Puran black posts in India. Major opportunities and focus area in NBCC in upcoming months, opportunity in housing sector. Government of India and union finances boost to affordable housing by providing to the middle class income growth. NBCC is assessing this opportunity and are in talks with various format agencies, including few state governments. Land monetization. After we set a slating Board monetization project, NBCC is exploring feasibility of fuel land parcel across pan India aligned with the PSU land parcels. Dozens of hacker plan with them in all major cities. After a successful journey of redevelopment business model, NBCC is hiring some major work in the segment of upcoming months and cash Amrapali project experience and expertise examining feasibility of few more stress VLS projects. We are exploring other opportunities in NCR, Mumbai regions where big problems. Overseas focus, we already set up concrete foot in overseas, particularly African countries, Maldives, Marches, social housing work is in full swing. In Maldives, we are hoping that we'll tap some business in Arabia and Africa in coming months. NBCC restores. We are also reaching out 2 tire cities for upcoming real estate projects. Diversification. We are also taking some steps to diversify NBCC business, which includes recently secured projects, metro railways. Thank you, Ananda. Now the forum is open for discussion.


[Operator Instructions] The first question is from the line of Shivam Ozan, Individual Investor.

Unknown Attendee

Sir, what would be the update on your guidance of the top line of INR 11,000 crores in this fiscal and INR 23,000 crores that you mentioned in the next fiscal?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Definitely, we will achieve between INR 10,000 crores to INR 11,000 crores.

Unknown Attendee

And sir, for the next fiscal year?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Next fiscal year at INR 13,000 crores.

Unknown Attendee

Next fiscal year would be INR 13,000 crores.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy


Unknown Attendee

Sir, you mentioned somewhere around about for INR 25,000 crores. Am I right?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

5 years.

Unknown Attendee

5 years, next 5 years. In next 5 years.


The next question is from the line of Pankaj Kumar from Kotak Securities.

Pankaj Kumar

Sir, I would like to know about the order inflows that we had in the 9 months. And overall, what is the target for FY '24 and '25?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

So 9 months order already INR 10,000 crores we have secured. Another INR 10,000 crores we are expecting current year only within these 3 months by March. And what is the other question you asked?

Pankaj Kumar

About next year, FY '25, what we are targeting to?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Business loan. The new orders in flow in.

Pankaj Kumar

Any yes, business development you can for the next.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Pardon me?

Pankaj Kumar

INR 2,000 crores next year onwards, we can easily secure more than INR 30 crores. As said, this number is on control business, I believe. So if you can help us with the stand-alone numbers.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Consolidated outlook. But stand-alone, you can say, INR 15,000 to INR 16,000 crores, consolidated only INR 3 rotor, INR 400 crores only we are getting from other subsidiaries or is major.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. Okay. And sir, in terms of overall this order book, what is the order backlog at the end of 9 months.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 5,300 crores in a consolidated basis.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. So stand-alone would be around INR 45,000.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

To INR 5,430 something.

Pankaj Kumar

And sir, you were targeting to over some INR 9,600 crores in the current financial year, so the project that you were targeting earlier? So what is the revised target for the current year as well as what you are planning to award in the next financial year?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Next financial year, we will go into our around INR 20,000 crores -- sorry, INR 12,000 crores. Currently, INR 8,000 crores we are targeting.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. And out of the total INR 55,000 crore order book, what portion we have already awarded?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Already INR 6,000 are awarded during this year.

Pankaj Kumar

The total of this INR 55,000 crores when you're saying this is the order backlog. So how much of the project that is where the...

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Where we have already awarded the work INR 21,000 crores in a consolidated level, INR 21,000 already or debt.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. So large part is still what you are saying for the that we...

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

The Sand is in process that we are awarding.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. And sir, in terms of 7 GPRA project, which I believe is around INR 24,000 crores of construction work. So there, what is the progress in terms of what percentage of work is already awarded and what is yet to be awarded. If you can help us with the project-wise in all 3?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 195 crores were currently awarded that is WTC, 93% completed. By March, we will go to complete all the physical and SLS financial year going to complete. Similarly, the sale around INR 13,000 crores we have to sell out of which 10,000 already were sell out, the remaining INR 3,000 crores were going to sell before March. Regarding page, we are already awarded on GPO to the agency, wherein almost 50% where we have completed by next December. Before December, we're going to complete the metaling. Similarly, aging, have already awarded 5 packages out of which all are in running conditions. One project from 800 units you're going to hand it out shortly to our MOU.

Pankaj Kumar

So this slots a large part of, I believe, around INR 15,000 crores the construction?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes, yes, INR 13,000 crores, INR 13,000 crore INR 400.

Pankaj Kumar

And is this -- what value come can help us till where the construction is going or what?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

It is going in different phases in each package on package, you'll going to partly ended our March, around 800 units will going to end it over by March. So the rest is in progress by other strategies in different stages. Each package is in different packages. Recently, we awarded 3 packages. So all the 3 packages, they are started. It's 2 packages we are awarded with main technology, one with precast technology.

Pankaj Kumar

So -- or looking for in value terms, what amount is already in construction?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 4,200 crores allay was it.

Pankaj Kumar

INR 4,200 crores in the other projects?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes. And in Metals, page has a 1,450 already awarded. 2 tender will go to publish by within 1 week. Around INR 2,000 crores or is in credit, the center is ready, we'll go to publish at the earliest.


The next question is from the line of Vasudev from Nuvama.

Vasudev Ganatra

Sir, my first question is on the Amrapali project. So how are we expecting some additional order what's the status over there? And currently, what is our pending order book from the value.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Out of INR 8,000 crores, already, we have completed around INR 6,000. The balance of floors -- regarding new business, that is the additional fair, we're going to get further less. I think by this weekend, we're going to get 8,000 business.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. Okay. Then next, sir, on the real estate front, so you said that we've sold over INR 117 crores in this year. So what is your plan for Q4 and FY '25? And also, if you can help that what is your current line of Globe one, sir?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Another INR 50 crores, I think we're going to sell during this year real estate project. Total, we have INR 600 crore inventory out of 117 already we have sell it out. So another INR 50 crores by March, we'll go to sale.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. Okay. That's on -- the redevelopment front, also, you said that we'll sell all of it by the end of this year. So what is the value if you could provide?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

That is -- can you -- real estate or development you're saying? Redevelopment only I cannot say, we have to sell a 70 per -- there is no sale in development. It is government cloning.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. Okay. So taking it from the previous participant's question, so you give guidance for revenues and order intake for then what is the path on EBITDA margins that we're looking at?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Top line, during this year.

Vasudev Ganatra

This year and next year, our EBITDA and PAT margins?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Your PAT margin will be around -- EBITDA, 5.5% to 6% next year. Current year, 5% to 5.5%.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. And PAT margins?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

PAT margins around 5%. It will be more than 5%.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. Okay. Sure, sir. And sir, last question. So out of the INR 5,300 crores of order book that we have -- can you give us a split between P&C and redevelopment? And what is the consolidated cash balance?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

55%. Around 92% in PMC only. So only 3%, 4% that is on real estate and 3%, 4% for EPC contracts.

Baldev Sokhey

As regards to the cash balance, we have the cash balance of INR 4,800 crores on consolidated basis. And we see the cash balance out of that is INR 2,100 crores. And our own funds are around INR 1,000 crores as the NBCC has received the -- received back the seed money, which we have invested in the redevelopment project of 7 GPRA and which will be further disputed in the furtherance of the business of convergence.

Vasudev Ganatra

Okay. So then what is the money that it is still outstanding and interest on that?

Baldev Sokhey

Yes. Sales money now outstanding as on today is INR 81 crores. And the outstanding interest is around INR 210 crores, which we are expecting to get back in the next financial year in the 1st week of next financial year. Against the interest portion, right?

Unknown Analyst

The next question is from the line of Atul Husa, Individual Investor.

Unknown Attendee

So my question is there is 2 questions. The first is, as you told earlier, that this year, you will achieve around 10,500 revenue. So may I ask you, are you -- I mean, this is a conservative number or this is final number for this year?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

This is final number. I can say a final number.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. And what -- so it means that consolidated basis, you will achieve around INR 4,000 crores in this quarter? This quarter number. This quarter, next quarter, what revenue will achieve consolidated basis?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 3,500 to INR 4,000.

Unknown Attendee

INR 4,000. And what PAT we can expect? Margin?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Margin, PAT margin only quarter you were saying or...

Unknown Attendee

Quarter, quarter, quarter.

Baldev Sokhey

On annual basis, we are expecting 5% yes.

Unknown Attendee

5%, okay. And as you told earlier, I mean, I'm asking after 5 years, you would target this company about 25,000 revenue guidance. So may I ask out of this 25,000 how -- I mean you said for the real estate business out of this 25,000 in maybe in a percentage number, not in accurate is just real estate business.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Real estate business?

Unknown Attendee


Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

5% to 10%.

Unknown Attendee

Because you set PAT around INR 2,000 crores, I heard about somewhere. So it means that 8% you will achieve at the PAT margin after 5 years.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

That is true because our breakeven is only INR 5,000. Beyond INR 5,000, whatever turnover we will achieve profit will be added. So that is the reason.

Unknown Attendee

So this is also a conservative basis, you will achieve INR 2,000 crores next 5 years, early.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

We have our own there.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. And 1 more question. Next year, I mean, there are a lot of inventory and a lot of unfinished projects in -- I mean, nearby really like Netaji and Gordon. So are you pushing your company to get like Amrapali, kind of like other projects, not -- I'm not talking about Amrapali next phase, for other developer projects.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Already planning as we -- already, we are talking with the RERA Ariana. RERA already called us, they wanted to start the star projects in Ariana, that is in Goa. Not also their Naada Unitec project, Supertech, we are discussing, but I think we'll go to get the earlier Sara. Rear are we are talking with them. And I think...

Unknown Attendee

So this revenue you didn't calculate in your next year target? I mean maybe this is extra revenue we'll get.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Currently, we have not considered this one.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. So in case if you will get these projects, it will add, let's say, 10%, 20% more revenue in that your projection?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Absolutely. Definitely.

Unknown Attendee

Definitely. Okay. So like this projection is just based on your normal projects, redevelopment and other projects, not with this extra, what maybe you will get through government.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

But we are not considered. So far we are...

Unknown Attendee

So then it will -- I mean, there is chances to more revenue and profit in your top line and bottom line growth.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy



The next follow-up question is from the line of Shivam, Individual Investor.

Unknown Attendee

Sir, I have 2 questions. First would be that you have a lot of land bank with you. So as the real estate cycle is moving ahead and it's going at a positive rate. So when do you expect to launch in our on -- or develop these land banks? And the second would be that the PSU land bank opportunity, which you told. So how many worth of -- can you give a projection that how many worth of opportunity can be the PSU redevelopment that you're talking across India?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes, having land parcel of more than, I think, in lakh access. So we are presently discussing with 2, 3 PSUs. So it will be more than INR 10,000 crores value. So that, I think we're going to sign an MOU either this year or first quarter of next year. Similarly, we have -- 3 land parcel in Jaipur, 1 lane Coimbatore and Patna. So we're going to launch this project by this year-end March or first week of April. On our 2 project, we are going to start immediately.

Unknown Attendee

So sir, you are saying that around INR 13,000 crores, you will do in next fiscal year on consolidated basis. And if you get any PSU redevelopment opportunity, that would be the cherry on cake.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes. Yes.

Unknown Attendee

So how much can we expect on the optimism side that how much can be the revenue if everything goes right in for the next fiscal year?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

At least 20%, I can say, in percentage, at least 20% because the first year -- so initially some due diligence, supplement of consultant, all these clearances and all it will take. But next year onwards, it will be, I think, more than 20%, 25%.

Unknown Attendee

And sir, 1 more clarification on your INR 25,000 crores guidance. So at what fiscal year you will be able to achieve INR 25,000 crores top line consolidated basis? Like you can mention for fiscal year '26, '25 or anything?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

The next year, 5 years.

Unknown Attendee

Next 5 years, like from which fiscal you'll start generating INR 25,000 crores or it won't be the sum of 5 years now.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

'27, '28.

Unknown Attendee

FY '27, '28?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy



[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Dr. Akshay Bates from NBCC.

Unknown Attendee

Actually, my question is exceptional losses of around INR 15 crores to INR 20 crores are we seeing almost in every quarter. So is it going to continue or reduce in future? Or what are the spacing.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

What is your question?

Baldev Sokhey

You were talking about the induction items?

Unknown Attendee

Yes, yes.

Baldev Sokhey

No, Vikas, and now this has been provided fully by the Board. And we have given the option for the reconstruction of the flat to all the buyers and the offer has also been given to the national consumer real forum. And -- but their court case is still pending, but we are hopeful that the buyers will consider our offer and any further cost loss.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Rather their request, partly, they are requesting to reconstruct. So that purpose only, we had created exceptional item. I think in the future, it won't come.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. Okay. And 1 more thing. As far as your balance sheet continues losses have been posted in real estate segment. Real Estate segment has not been in profit in past 2, 3 quarters. So what -- can you give us a picture on that what is the reason for that?

Baldev Sokhey

The reason is mainly the provision towards this loss of 37 days.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Real Estate project.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. Okay. And my next question is to Komar. Sir, as per your latest interview, you have aspire to be a Maharatna company? Yes. And Maharatna company is at least yearly from the last -- previous 3 years, we should post a profit of INR 5,000 crores annually. So what is the road map and time line to achieve the same become the Maharatna company?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Next 5 years, we are going to Bayway, Maharatna status not -- we're going to get Maharatna status. For another 5 years, I think we're going to get a road map for Maharatna we are making.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. Okay. Okay. And so from when you were real estate like Jaipur, which the land parcel for, what is the business opportunity in that? You have the worth of INR 7 crores per land parcel. So out of that, so what will be the sale value of the redevelopment of what -- after the constructing of those projects?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Presently, we are planning to construct 1 in Cabot. Other one is in Jaipur. In Jaipur see and parcel valuing around INR 300 crores. But definitely, we'll be to catch around the INR 400 to INR 500 in decor and similarly, it's INR 100 crores from Kumba. So...

Unknown Attendee

And the profit in these segments will be 25%, right?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

25% to 30%, we can expect 25%.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Pankaj Kumar from Kotak Securities.

Pankaj Kumar

Sir, this vision is the next 5-year vision of achieving INR 25,000 crores. So in that, what contribution you expected from the redevelopment versus P&C? Will it be largely from the redevelopment? Or is the normal P&C building projects that we are getting?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

50% from development, out of 90%, I can say, 40%, 45% from redevelopment and another 45% regular P&C.

Pankaj Kumar

And in this redevelopment, which are the major opportunities that you see? One you said is the PSU land development, I believe. So what are the other avenues that you have? Is it...

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Other redevelopment projects is under our ministry only, we're going to start 1 development project that is real. The other one is the ring road and reasons. These 2 realist retailment project will go to get at the earliest. So we have another also some other state government. We are trying for another state government that right now, I cannot say, but we have a lot of opportunities and a lot of scoping redevelopment.

Pankaj Kumar

Of course, there's a huge opportunity on the redevelopment side. But we have seen the approvals and other government involvement is also there in all day. So do you see these targets would be achievable or I mean looking at the -- we have seen the 7 GPRA project, there were delays in approvals and all. So -- plus we also have to monetize the land and to generate resources. So what are the challenges that you believe whether these old challenges continue or...

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

As you rightly said, the Save faced a lot of challenges like precutting preremoval, encroachment and generation of funds. Now all the generation front part already over. So we already sold around 10,000 inventory, 3,000 we will going to sell during this year. So there is no money issue. Secondly, encroachment issue also already resolved. So in 7 per day, we don't have any adults. That's why we have kept only 20% increase in the next year because next year, we are able to generate only 10% to 20% only. Our order book will be more, but approval and all it will take some time. Next year onwards after 1 or 2 years, our revenue can increase like anything. So initially, we are taking very comfortable 10% to 20% only.

Pankaj Kumar

So this PSU land development opportunities, what value you expect out of it in your order book next 5 years?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

I told you now around only 10% to 20% next we are projecting. But next 5 years, it will be more than INR 20,000 crores, INR 25,000 crores. It is easily because we are already talking with some other PSUs, BS and MTNL. So right now, I don't want to disclose the names and all. So we have a good opportunity, and they have very good land parcels, and we are going to redevelop that.

Pankaj Kumar

And these are at which geographies?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Across India. Across India. Delhi listed parcel and Bopana Parcel Visaka Putnam -- so BHL having neanderthal in Wishakapatnan. Gopal, they are exceet, presently, they are not used in an encroachment and all issues are going on. So they wanted to nonteen.

Pankaj Kumar

And you also talked about the opportunities from other sectors in the previous calls, like metros and so any development and any comment on those?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

We already secured a metro work for our -- we already secured. Kochi Metro, where we're going to get the Kochi Metro projects. Similarly, we are trying for other metro projects. So a lot of opportunities are in the metro sector also. And steel sector, we got recently some INR 300 crores, INR 400 crores over.

Pankaj Kumar

Okay. And lastly, on the international side, what is the total order book? And what are the pipeline?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Presently, we have INR 1,000. Certainly, we are doing around INR 1,500 crores to INR 4,000 crores worth of project. And we are already established now in Saudi Arabia, Didra. We are focusing those regions from that country, the neighboring countries. We already have an office in Dubai, our subsidiary fully owned subsidiary is having office. So we are focusing now on Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sharjah. So they've got a lot of big housing potential there. So -- and then we are also now targeting African countries, in concur. We are trying to get a hospital project there and some other talks are going on in other inventories. So we are expecting some good revenue, good new business orders in coming years.


The next question is from the line of Dane Rusal from Nomura.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, my first question was related to the monetization. So do you think the government can involve private sector in case of PSUs land monetization or the redevelopment of aggressive in the near future?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Pardon me?

Unknown Analyst

Do you think that government can involve the private sector in case of the land monetization or development programs in the near future?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Already, they are enrolled in Bombay, but they're not super full. One thing I can tell you, it is not successful. Now the government will go into it that are. That's what I heard from state government. So we're going to get some business in Bombay. So private people, they cannot grow the main government projects. Of course, they can do their own and government projects.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. So sir, what are challenges we face actually compared to what are the positives for the NBC company like NBCC? And what the challenges as were the private place in such case?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Advantage is government because just I'll say one word. When PSU's fails, private people will come to take. Example, Air India. Air India sale, Tata took over. Whereas AMRP, private people sales and NBCC successfully doing that project. So the advantage is we put sale around 6,000 units is in the history of India, first time we sell around 6,000 units. No private agencies so far sell this amount of volume of housing project. So the reason is we are a government entity, PSU, the confidence on Mumbai is more. Much more because all the private builders already they have created some extent. In Delhi around 3.5 lakhs homewear still they are struggling to get their wons. So that is the advantage for NBCC.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. Sir. And as you mentioned, like a revenue target of around INR 25,000 crores by FY '20. So what do you think the potential risk to this particular estimate in the medium term as well as the long term?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

I think there is more risk because since we are doing on PMC basis even development also we are doing on PMC basis. So there is no much more risk. Of course, that many challenges we have to face best all. There is -- I think there is no risk in this.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. Sir, and coming to the margin part, the margins have remained volatile historically for the company. So how do you plan to maintain like expand it on a consistent basis in the long term or in the medium term, your plans on that respect?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

In long term, I think we were going to achieve more margin because our expenditure is fixed. However, it is only salaries, nothing else. Basically, or sales and other things, so that is breakeven revenue reached around INR 5,500 crores. The salary will be breakeven. Beyond that, whatever you will do, our margin is definitely going to increase. So that's why we are projecting 6% EBITDA next year. And similarly, I think by end of '27, '28, it may reach up to 8% to 9%.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. Sir, and what will be the fixed cost annually approximately? Can you quantify that?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 300? Around INR 300 crores.


The next question is from the line of Shawn, who's an Individual Investor.

Unknown Attendee

Sir, will you also be targeting the land banks of the Indian Armed Forces like maybe Airforce, Army, and they also have a huge bank?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes. Presently, we are discussing with them. It is initial stage only. So I am already discussing with defense, the army and upwards, that is land motion. Of course, for the India, Pakistan Butter fencing that is done by MBC. It has completed. So India Balarini and attest we are doing for BASF and ITB, CRPF, we are already doing their road as well as fencing work.

Unknown Attendee

So sir, what's the revenue potential that you already you were doing? And what do you expect in future to make the process?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Presently, we have -- in India, Pakistan and we are completed, India Bangladeshi it is going on, INR 200 crores to INR 250 crores, I think per year were presently we are doing. It will be increasing SDA runners. Some PSUs are not performing in the burner. That's why we are getting the job from them. Already we have secured.

Unknown Attendee

Okay, because of your execution.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Yes, yes.

Unknown Attendee

Sir, like on my previous participant asked about the land bank, so how much sales can you do from that INR 700 crores of land bank? Like if you were just mainly then sell the units from that.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

So at our land book, we will go to generate around INR 1,400 crores, INR 1,500 crores after completion, we can generate -- presently, we have around INR 700 crores land bank. It is ours only. Excluding tonic, that determine land parcel, it is huge but also we are planning to redevelopment. So excluding ritual Gianni, we have INR 710 crore land parcel.

Unknown Attendee

And sir, any guidance on the contingent liabilities for this fiscal year? What would be the contingent liabilities this year?

Baldev Sokhey

Contingent liabilities are to the tune of INR 1,400 crores. And they are mainly consists of 3, 4 main contractors. One is the Ramah against whom the company has also filed a recovery out of INR 750 crores. And they are at 3, 4 or more contractors also. That's why it has increased. This is the reason, yes.

Unknown Attendee

So do you expect this to go down from fiscal year '25 or it will be the same because of the delays?

Baldev Sokhey

So far the contingent liability is what I have seen with my experience of over 35 years, they have not yet materialized in the tune for which it appears in the books, and very meager amount is. Actually, is finalized against rather. NBCCs always get favorable judgment in its favor. And very rarely, we'll get any...

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

The rest climb also.

Unknown Attendee

When this amount will increase in the next coming fiscal year or it will remain at this?

Baldev Sokhey

No, no, we are not expecting and rather the company is focusing on for discussing the legal disputes with the contractors, and we are trying to resolve. And some of the resolutions have also been made internally through discussions with the contractors. Though they are of the small amounts, but this approach has also been adopted by the company. So we are not expecting it to increase further in the future.


The next question is from the line of Basudeb from am.

Unknown Analyst

So in the previous call, you had mentioned that our order book in P&C and redevelopment was nearly about 50-50 or 60-40. And earlier you mentioned that the PMC is 92% and real estate and all is 3%, 4%. So I mean get over here.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Total out of INR 55,000 crores if I say -- I can sell like this, I can put like this, total INR 55,000 crores, 90% value is PMC. The PMC includes redevelopment. If I divide PMC in 2 category, PMC and redevelopment, then it is 50-50 or 40-60 like that. So we are doing 90% to our PMC. We are operating 3 segments. Basically, we're operating 3 segments: PMC, EPC and Real Estate. Whereas in PMC, we are doing the development more projects. It is not a PMC development.

Unknown Analyst

In this quarter, then what will be the and redevelopment?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Around 50%. Currently, I cannot say exactly what the figure, around 50% in development and 50% from PMC.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Okay. And sir, what is the realistic sales that you are expecting for next year '25?

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

INR 13,000, I told you. INR 13,000 revenue and real estate. You are asking about real estate or total?

Unknown Analyst

No, only real estate sales.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Real state around INR 200 crores or INR 250 crores, INR 200 crores to INR 250 crores


Ladies and gentlemen, we would take that as a last question for today. I would now like to hand the conference over to the management for closing comments.

Kellambally Mahadevaswamy

Okay. Thank you, once again, all of you. I think we have cleared your questions, answered very, I think, answered your questions. Thank you. We are expecting very good growth. And I think in this year, we're going to get -- within 1 month, we are going to get a good number of orders. And hopefully, at one side will be very good in it as well as you. Thank you.


On behalf of Nomura and NBCC India Limited. That concludes this conference. Thank you for joining us. You may now disconnect your lines.