Okta Inc

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Okta Inc
Price: 97.5 USD 0.52%
Market Cap: 16.7B USD
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Okta Inc
Investor Relations

In the bustling realm of digital identity management, Okta Inc. stands as a pivotal player, shaping the landscape of how businesses secure their systems and streamline user access. Founded in 2009, Okta has carved a niche by serving as the digital gateway for companies, enabling seamless and secure user authentication across all applications and devices. At its core, Okta's offerings revolve around cloud-based software that interconnects identity management, providing companies with unparalleled control and assurance over who has access to their digital realms. With cybersecurity threats on the rise, Okta's services have become indispensable for companies needing robust security solutions without compromising user convenience.

Okta's business model centers on a subscription-based revenue stream, capitalizing on the increasing demand for scalable security solutions in a cloud-centric world. By offering Identity as a Service (IDaaS), Okta enables enterprises to offload the complexities of identity management onto a reliable partner, thus allowing them to refocus on their core business operations. This model not only ensures a steady influx of revenue through subscriptions but also fosters a loyal customer base, attracted by the prospect of continuously updated and improved security measures. Through strategic partnerships and a comprehensive suite of identity solutions, Okta not only builds a robust ecosystem around digital identity but also positions itself as a linchpin in the broader tapestry of enterprise digital transformation.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Todd McKinnon
Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO
No Bio Available
Mr. Jacques Frederic Kerrest
Co-Founder & Executive Vice Chairperson
No Bio Available
Mr. Brett Tighe
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Shibu Ninan
Chief Accounting Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Larissa Schwartz
Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary
No Bio Available
Mr. Jon Addison
Chief Revenue Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Eugenio Pace
Co-founder & President of Business Operations
No Bio Available
Mr. Dave Gennarelli
Vice President of Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Mr. Eric Kelleher
President of Customer Experience & Communications
No Bio Available
Mr. Monty Gray
Executive Vice President of Corporate Development
No Bio Available


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