SBK Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - Standard Bank Group Ltd - Alpha Spread

Standard Bank Group Ltd

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Standard Bank Group Ltd
Price: 23 408 Zac 0.2% Market Closed
Market Cap: 385.6B Zac
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Intrinsic Value

There is not enough data to reliably calculate the intrinsic value of SBK.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

SBK Intrinsic Value
Not Available
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Fundamental Analysis

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Business Breakdown

Standard Bank Group Ltd., established in 1862, has emerged as one of Africa’s leading financial institutions, providing a diverse range of banking and related financial services. With a presence in 20 countries across Africa and a global footprint extending to key financial hubs, Standard Bank is uniquely positioned to harness the continent's growth potential. The bank offers retail, commercial, and corporate banking solutions, catering to millions of customers. Its commitment to financial inclusion and the advancement of African economies is reflected in its focus on supporting sectors such as trade, infrastructure, and renewable energy. As a significant player in the South African banking...

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
Standard Bank Group Ltd

Net Loans 1.6T
Investments 1.3T
PP&E 20.3B
Intangibles 12.7B
Other Assets 172.3B
Total Deposits 2T
Long Term Debt 25.4B
Other Liabilities 778.1B

Wall St
Price Targets

SBK Price Targets Summary
Standard Bank Group Ltd

There are no price targets for SBK.
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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for SBK is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

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SBK Price
Standard Bank Group Ltd

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
Annual Price Range
23 408
52w Low
16 707
52w High
24 255
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 4.47%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 22.16%
Max Drawdown -54%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 385.6B Zac
Shares Outstanding 16 470 905
Percentage of Shares Shorted

Competitive Landscape


Standard Bank Group Ltd


South Africa



Market Cap

385.6B Zac

Dividend Yield



Standard Bank Group Ltd. is a holding company, which engages in the business of providing banking and financial services. The company is headquartered in Johannesburg, Gauteng and currently employs 49,224 full-time employees. The Bank offers transactional banking, saving, borrowing, lending, investment, insurance, risk management, wealth management and advisory services. The company operates through three business units: Personal and Business Banking; Corporate and Investment Banking, and Liberty Holdings Limited (Liberty). The company offers fixed income and currencies, commodities and equities to the global market. The company offers Investment banking services, such as advisory, debt products, structured trade and commodity finance, debt capital markets and equity capital markets. The company offers real estate finance and principal investment management to the real estate sector. Its transactional products and services include transactional banking, investor services and trade finance. The company offers market access and risk mitigation products to its clients to support their business requirements, including foreign exchange, commodity, credit, interest rate and equity instruments.


Standard Bank Centre, Fl 9th, 5 Simmonds Street




49 224


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