Carparts.Com Inc

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Carparts.Com Inc Logo
Carparts.Com Inc
Price: 1.1 USD -0.9% Market Closed
Market Cap: 63.1m USD
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Carparts.Com Inc?
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Carparts.Com Inc
Investor Relations, Inc. operates as an online provider of aftermarket auto parts and accessories in the United States and the Philippines. The company is headquartered in Torrance, California and currently employs 1,529 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2007-02-09. The firm principally sells its products, identified as stock keeping units (SKUs), to individual consumers through its flagship Website at and online marketplaces. The firm has developed a product database that maps its SKUs to product applications based on vehicle makes, models and years to help ensure the right part for each specific vehicle is provided. The Company’s products offering includes Replacement Parts, Hard Parts, and Performance Parts and Accessories. The replacement parts category is primarily comprised of parts for the exterior of an automobile. The hard parts category is comprised of engine and chassis components, as well as other mechanical and electrical parts. The company offers performance versions of many parts sold in each of the above categories, including parts from one of its own house brands, JC Whitney.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. David Meniane CPA
CEO & Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Ryan Lockwood C.F.A.
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Michael Huffaker
Chief Operating Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Kals Subramanian
Chief Technology Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Alfredo Gomez Esq.
General Counsel
No Bio Available
Tina Mirfarsi
Senior Vice President of Global Communications & Culture
No Bio Available
Ms. Christina Thelin
Chief Marketing Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Stephanie Urbach
Chief Human Resources Officer
No Bio Available


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