AA Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - Alcoa Corp - Alpha Spread

Alcoa Corp

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Alcoa Corp Logo
Alcoa Corp
Price: 32.52 USD 3.73% Market Closed
Market Cap: 5.8B USD
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Alcoa Corp?
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Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of one AA stock under the Base Case scenario is 43.19 USD. Compared to the current market price of 32.52 USD, Alcoa Corp is Undervalued by 25%.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

AA Intrinsic Value
43.19 USD
Undervaluation 25%
Intrinsic Value
Worst Case
Base Case
Best Case

Valuation Backtest
Alcoa Corp

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
Alcoa Corp

Current Assets 4.9B
Cash & Short-Term Investments 1.4B
Receivables 1.1B
Other Current Assets 2.4B
Non-Current Assets 9.4B
Long-Term Investments 989m
PP&E 6.5B
Intangibles 179m
Other Non-Current Assets 1.7B
Current Liabilities 3.2B
Accounts Payable 1.6B
Accrued Liabilities 358m
Other Current Liabilities 1.2B
Non-Current Liabilities 7.2B
Long-Term Debt 2.5B
Other Non-Current Liabilities 4.8B

Earnings Waterfall
Alcoa Corp

10.7B USD
Cost of Revenue
-9.8B USD
Gross Profit
871m USD
Operating Expenses
-946m USD
Operating Income
-75m USD
Other Expenses
-475m USD
Net Income
-550m USD

Free Cash Flow Analysis
Alcoa Corp

Last Value
3-Years Average
FCF Margin
Conversion Rate
Earnings Calls

Alcoa reported a strong second quarter in 2024 with net income of $20 million, reversing a prior quarter loss of $252 million. Revenue rose to $2.9 billion due to higher alumina and aluminum prices. The Alumina segment saw a 5% revenue increase, while the Aluminum segment increased 16%. Adjusted EBITDA increased by $193 million to $325 million. The company is set to complete its acquisition of Alumina Limited by August 1. For the third quarter, Alcoa expects higher corporate costs due to labor expenses, and a forecasted EBITDA increase driven by alumina prices, though aluminum segment costs will rise by $60 million.

What is Earnings Call?
Fundamental Scores

AA Profitability Score
Profitability Due Diligence

Alcoa Corp's profitability score is 39/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Positive Gross Profit
Positive Revenue Growth Forecast
Negative Free Cash Flow
Positive 3-Years Revenue Growth

Alcoa Corp's profitability score is 39/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

AA Solvency Score
Solvency Due Diligence

Alcoa Corp's solvency score is 49/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Low D/E
Short-Term Solvency
Long-Term Solvency
Positive Net Debt

Alcoa Corp's solvency score is 49/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Wall St
Price Targets

AA Price Targets Summary
Alcoa Corp

Wall Street analysts forecast AA stock price to rise over the next 12 months.

According to Wall Street analysts, the average 1-year price target for AA is 45.45 USD with a low forecast of 37.37 USD and a high forecast of 57.75 USD.

Price Target
37.37 USD
15% Upside
Price Target
45.45 USD
40% Upside
Price Target
57.75 USD
78% Upside
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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for AA is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

Shareholder Yield
Want to learn more about AA dividends, buybacks, and debt paydown yield?

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AA Price
Alcoa Corp

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
Annual Price Range
52w Low
52w High
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 34.52%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 84.96%
Max Drawdown -76%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 5.8B USD
Shares Outstanding 179 560 992
Percentage of Shares Shorted 7.88%

Competitive Landscape


AA Insider Trading
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9 Months
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Alcoa Corp Logo
Alcoa Corp


United States of America


Metals & Mining

Market Cap

5.8B USD

Dividend Yield



Alcoa Corp. engages in the production of bauxite, alumina, and aluminum products. The company is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently employs 12,200 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2016-10-18. The firm is engaged in the production of bauxite, alumina and aluminum products. The Company’s operations consist of three reportable business segments: Bauxite, Alumina, and Aluminum. The Bauxite and Alumina segments primarily consist of a series of affiliated operating entities held in Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC), which is a joint venture between Alcoa Corporation and Alumina Limited. The Aluminum segment consists of the Company’s aluminum smelting, casting, and rolling businesses, along with the energy production business. Its Bauxite segment consists of the Company’s global bauxite mining operations. The Company’s Alumina segment consists of the Company’s worldwide refining system, which processes bauxite into alumina. The Aluminum segment consists of its worldwide smelting and cast house system, a portfolio of energy assets in Brazil, Canada, and the United States. The company has over 28 operating locations across nine countries.


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See Also

Discover More
What is the Intrinsic Value of one AA stock?

The intrinsic value of one AA stock under the Base Case scenario is 43.19 USD.

Is AA stock undervalued or overvalued?

Compared to the current market price of 32.52 USD, Alcoa Corp is Undervalued by 25%.

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