Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - Agricultural Bank of China Ltd - Alpha Spread

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd

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Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Logo
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd
Price: 4.52 CNY 0.22% Market Closed
Market Cap: 1.6T CNY
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Agricultural Bank of China Ltd?
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Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of one Agricultural Bank of China Ltd stock under the Base Case scenario is 11.06 CNY. Compared to the current market price of 4.52 CNY, Agricultural Bank of China Ltd is Undervalued by 59%.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

Intrinsic Value
11.06 CNY
Undervaluation 59%
Intrinsic Value
Worst Case
Base Case
Best Case
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Agricultural Bank of China Ltd

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Business Breakdown

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. (ABC), one of China’s "Big Four" banks, has carved a unique niche by focusing primarily on the agricultural sector and rural finance. Founded in 1951, ABC has grown into a significant player in the global banking landscape, boasting a vast network of branches and a customer base that spans both urban and rural populations. The bank’s mission is to support the modernization of agriculture and rural economies in China. With a diverse range of financial services, including commercial banking, investment banking, and wealth management, ABC not only plays a vital role in stabilizing the agricultural sector but also contributes to the overall growth of China’s econo...

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd

Net Loans 22.3T
Investments 16T
PP&E 163.3B
Intangibles 30.1B
Other Assets 3.6T
Total Deposits 34.1T
Short Term Debt 113.4B
Long Term Debt 658.5B
Other Liabilities 4.1T
Earnings Calls

Agricultural Bank of China has achieved a stable Q3 with a 5.2% increase in net profit and significant growth across key sectors. Net interest income rose to around CNY 53 million, and deposits increased by 15%. Loan services expanded notably, with an 18.1% increase in loans, and agriculture-related loans jumped by 19.1%. Notably, green industry loans surged by over 60%, and infrastructure loans saw a 24.1% increase. Long-term manufacturing loans increased by 53.4%, and strategic industry loans by over 54%. Additionally, the bank reported a historic high in green loans with an increase of 42%. Asset quality remained solid, with the nonperforming loan rate falling by 0.02%, reaching 1.35%.

What is Earnings Call?

Wall St
Price Targets

Price Targets Summary
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd

Wall Street analysts forecast Agricultural Bank of China Ltd stock price to rise over the next 12 months.

According to Wall Street analysts, the average 1-year price target for Agricultural Bank of China Ltd is 4.74 CNY with a low forecast of 3.83 CNY and a high forecast of 6.1 CNY.

Price Target
3.83 CNY
15% Downside
Price Target
4.74 CNY
5% Upside
Price Target
6.1 CNY
35% Upside
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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for Agricultural Bank of China Ltd is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

Shareholder Yield
Want to learn more about Agricultural Bank of China Ltd dividends, buybacks, and debt paydown yield?

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Agricultural Bank of China Ltd

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
Annual Price Range
52w Low
52w High
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 0.22%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 8.57%
Max Drawdown -14%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 1.6T CNY
Shares Outstanding 349 983 033 873
Percentage of Shares Shorted

Competitive Landscape


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Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Logo
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd





Market Cap

1.6T CNY

Dividend Yield



Agricultural Bank of China Ltd is a CN-based company operating in Banks industry. The company is headquartered in Beijing, Beijing and currently employs 455,174 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2010-07-15. AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED is a China-based commercial bank. The Bank mainly operates through four business segments. The Corporate Finance segment is engaged in the deposit and loan business, small and micro business finance, settlement and cash management, trade financing and investment banking, among others. The Personal Finance segment is engaged in personal deposit and loan, credit card business and private banking business. The Treasury segment is engaged in money market business and investment portfolio management. The Asset Management segment is engaged in the provision of financial services, asset custody business, pension business and precious metal business.


No. 69, Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District




455 174


See Also

Discover More
What is the Intrinsic Value of one Agricultural Bank of China Ltd stock?

The intrinsic value of one Agricultural Bank of China Ltd stock under the Base Case scenario is 11.06 CNY.

Is Agricultural Bank of China Ltd stock undervalued or overvalued?

Compared to the current market price of 4.52 CNY, Agricultural Bank of China Ltd is Undervalued by 59%.

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