Lite-On Technology Corp

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Lite-On Technology Corp
Price: 107 TWD -0.93% Market Closed
Market Cap: 251.2B TWD
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Lite-On Technology Corp
Investor Relations

Lite-On Technology Corp. emerges as a beacon of innovation and efficiency within the ever-evolving tech landscape. Founded in 1975, the Taiwanese company has grown by leaps and bounds, crafting a diverse portfolio that spans from optoelectronics to power supply products. Positioned at the intersection of critical technologies, Lite-On’s journey began with LEDs, marking its foray into optoelectronics. Over the years, it expanded its offerings to include a wide array of products like power supplies, information technology components, and storage devices. These core areas are not just auxiliary segments but stand as foundational pillars that fuel Lite-On’s sustained growth. The company's ability to adapt to shifting technological paradigms and customer needs has propelled it to the forefront of its niche markets, cementing its reputation as a resilient player in a competitive industry.

The heartbeat of Lite-On’s profitability blends its robust manufacturing capabilities with strategic supply chain management. By capitalizing on economies of scale and leveraging cost-efficient production practices, Lite-On delivers world-class components at competitive price points, enhancing value for its partners and end-consumers alike. The company’s revenue streams are intricately woven with the dynamic demands of electronics, computing, and automotive industries. For instance, its power supply units are integral to data centers and Cloud infrastructures, while its modules are crucial for the burgeoning electric vehicle market. Revenue is cycled back into research and development, where innovation is a relentless pursuit, ensuring Lite-On not only keeps pace with, but often anticipates, the trajectory of global technological advancement.

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Earnings Calls

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Michelle Hsiao
Financial Officer & Accounting Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Julia Wang
Senior Director of Investor Relations & Public Relations
No Bio Available
Mr. Lando Lin
Chief Audit Officer
No Bio Available
Bo-Wen Lin
Vice President
No Bio Available


Taipei City
22F, No.392, Ruey Kuang Road, Neihu District