CPI Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd - Alpha Spread

Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd

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Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd
Price: 287 666 Zac -1.05% Market Closed
Market Cap: 333.8B Zac
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Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd?
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Intrinsic Value

There is not enough data to reliably calculate the intrinsic value of CPI.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

CPI Intrinsic Value
Not Available
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Fundamental Analysis

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Business Breakdown

Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd. stands as a shining example of innovation and resilience in South Africa's banking landscape. Founded in 2001, Capitec has rapidly transformed from a niche player into one of the country's leading retail banks, serviced by a streamlined, customer-centric model. The bank’s unique approach focuses on simplicity and affordability, offering a suite of banking products designed for the everyday consumer. With over 13 million clients benefiting from accessible banking solutions, Capitec combines technology with robust customer service to deliver a seamless and efficient banking experience. This strategy has resulted in impressive growth figures and a strong focus on digi...

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd

Net Loans 80.6B
Investments 88.2B
PP&E 5.4B
Intangibles 1.4B
Other Assets 32B
Total Deposits 153B
Long Term Debt 5.4B
Other Liabilities 5.6B

Wall St
Price Targets

CPI Price Targets Summary
Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd

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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for CPI is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

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CPI Price
Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
+1 328%
Annual Price Range
287 666
52w Low
163 979
52w High
295 850
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 14.79%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 23.56%
Max Drawdown -99%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 333.8B Zac
Shares Outstanding 1 160 504
Percentage of Shares Shorted

Competitive Landscape


Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd


South Africa



Market Cap

333.8B Zac

Dividend Yield



Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd. is a bank controlling company, which engages in the provision of retail banking services. The company is headquartered in Cape Town, Western Cape and currently employs 14,758 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2002-02-18. The firm is engaged in retail banking within the South African economic environment segment. The firm's retail banking business sells a retail bank product, Global One, which enables clients to transact, save and borrow. Its business services include card machines, workplace banking, salary transfers and financial skills. The company also provides money management solutions. The firm holds interests in its principal subsidiary, Capitec Bank Limited (Capitec Bank). Capitec Bank is a South African retail bank, which focuses on banking services and provides savings, transacting and unsecured lending products to individuals. The firm's Global One card is linked to respective customer's transaction/savings account and gives them various ways to access their money and transact across the world. The Global One card can be used in card machines, online shopping and telephone/mail orders.


Cape Town
No 1 Quantum Street Techno park




14 758


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