ACWA Power Co Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - ACWA Power Co - Alpha Spread

ACWA Power Co

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ACWA Power Co
Price: 388.4 SAR -0.56% Market Closed
Market Cap: 284B SAR
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Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of one ACWA Power Co stock under the Base Case scenario is 101.12 SAR. Compared to the current market price of 388.4 SAR, ACWA Power Co is Overvalued by 74%.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

Intrinsic Value
101.12 SAR
Overvaluation 74%
Intrinsic Value
Worst Case
Base Case
Best Case
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ACWA Power Co

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Fundamental Analysis

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Business Breakdown

ACWA Power Co. has established itself as a premier player in the global renewable energy sector, focusing on providing sustainable solutions to meet the world's growing electricity demands. Founded in 2004 and based in Saudi Arabia, ACWA Power has diversified its portfolio to include a mix of solar, wind, and water desalination projects, positioning itself as a leader in the Middle East and beyond. With a commitment to sustainable development, the company has built and operates numerous large-scale power plants in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco, emphasizing innovative technologies that enhance efficiency while significantly reducing environmental impact. By harnessing th...

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
ACWA Power Co

Current Assets 11.5B
Cash & Short-Term Investments 5.4B
Receivables 5.5B
Other Current Assets 675m
Non-Current Assets 42.4B
Long-Term Investments 17B
PP&E 10.8B
Intangibles 2.1B
Other Non-Current Assets 12.6B
Current Liabilities 5B
Accounts Payable 2.9B
Short-Term Debt 452.5m
Other Current Liabilities 1.6B
Non-Current Liabilities 28.3B
Long-Term Debt 24.4B
Other Non-Current Liabilities 3.9B

Earnings Waterfall
ACWA Power Co

6.2B SAR
Cost of Revenue
-2.7B SAR
Gross Profit
3.5B SAR
Operating Expenses
-1.3B SAR
Operating Income
2.2B SAR
Other Expenses
-280m SAR
Net Income
1.9B SAR

Free Cash Flow Analysis
ACWA Power Co

Last Value
3-Years Average
FCF Margin
Conversion Rate
Fundamental Scores

Profitability Score
Profitability Due Diligence

ACWA Power Co's profitability score is 59/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Positive Gross Profit
Positive Operating Income
Positive Free Cash Flow
Positive Revenue Growth Forecast

ACWA Power Co's profitability score is 59/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Solvency Score
Solvency Due Diligence

ACWA Power Co's solvency score is 49/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

High Altman Z-Score
Short-Term Solvency
Long-Term Solvency
Average D/E

ACWA Power Co's solvency score is 49/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Wall St
Price Targets

Price Targets Summary
ACWA Power Co

Wall Street analysts forecast ACWA Power Co stock price to drop over the next 12 months.

According to Wall Street analysts, the average 1-year price target for ACWA Power Co is 206.35 SAR with a low forecast of 101 SAR and a high forecast of 288.17 SAR.

Price Target
101 SAR
74% Downside
Price Target
206.35 SAR
47% Downside
Price Target
288.17 SAR
26% Downside
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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for ACWA Power Co is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

Shareholder Yield
Want to learn more about ACWA Power Co dividends, buybacks, and debt paydown yield?

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ACWA Power Co

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
Annual Price Range
52w Low
52w High
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 55.37%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 39.49%
Max Drawdown -31%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 284.5B SAR
Shares Outstanding 731 100 000
Percentage of Shares Shorted

Competitive Landscape


ACWA Power Co Logo
ACWA Power Co


Saudi Arabia



Market Cap

284.5B SAR

Dividend Yield



ACWA Power Co. develops, owns, and operates independent water and power projects. The company is headquartered in Riyadh, Riyadh. The company went IPO on 2021-10-11. The firm is engaged in the business of development, construction, acquisition, generation and sale of electricity and desalinated water, leasing, operation and maintenance of power generation, water desalination and steam plants, and other related business activities. The firm operates through three segments: Thermal and Water Desalination, Renewables and Others. Thermal Desalination is power and water desalination plants which use fossil fuel for the generation of electricity and production of water whereas water desalination is stand-alone reverse osmosis desalination plants. Its plants include IPPs (Independent Power Plants), IWPPs (Independent Water and Power Plants) and IWPs (Independent Water Plants). Renewables segment comprises of Photovoltaic, Concentrated Solar Power, Wind plants and Hydrogen.


Building 1, Ground Floor, Business Gate Office Complex, Airport Road, P.O. Box 22616






See Also

Discover More
What is the Intrinsic Value of one ACWA Power Co stock?

The intrinsic value of one ACWA Power Co stock under the Base Case scenario is 101.12 SAR.

Is ACWA Power Co stock undervalued or overvalued?

Compared to the current market price of 388.4 SAR, ACWA Power Co is Overvalued by 74%.

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