ABA Intrinsic Valuation and Fundamental Analysis - Abacore Capital Holdings Inc - Alpha Spread

Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

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Abacore Capital Holdings Inc
Price: 0.72 PHP -4% Market Closed
Market Cap: 3B PHP
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Intrinsic Value

ABA's intrinsic value estimate is unreliable because it is based only on its multiples and doesn't use a DCF valuation.

The intrinsic value of one ABA stock under the Base Case scenario is 0.36 PHP. Compared to the current market price of 0.72 PHP, Abacore Capital Holdings Inc is Overvalued by 50%.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

ABA Intrinsic Value
0.36 PHP
Overvaluation 50%
Intrinsic Value
Worst Case
Base Case
Best Case

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Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

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Balance Sheet Decomposition
Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

Current Assets 696m
Cash & Short-Term Investments 135.1m
Receivables 559.5m
Other Current Assets 1.4m
Non-Current Assets 22.1B
Long-Term Investments 19.1B
PP&E 1.7B
Intangibles 348.8m
Other Non-Current Assets 860.6m
Current Liabilities 1.3B
Accounts Payable 245.1m
Accrued Liabilities 122.9m
Other Current Liabilities 884.2m
Non-Current Liabilities 2.7B
Long-Term Debt 95.8m
Other Non-Current Liabilities 2.6B

Earnings Waterfall
Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

229.6m PHP
Operating Expenses
-164.3m PHP
Operating Income
65.4m PHP
Other Expenses
2.1B PHP
Net Income
2.2B PHP

Free Cash Flow Analysis
Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

Last Value
3-Years Average
FCF Margin
Conversion Rate
Fundamental Scores

ABA Profitability Score
Profitability Due Diligence

Abacore Capital Holdings Inc's profitability score is 48/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Exceptional 3-Years Revenue Growth
Positive Net Income
Positive 3-Year Average ROE
ROE is Increasing

Abacore Capital Holdings Inc's profitability score is 48/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

ABA Solvency Score
Solvency Due Diligence

Abacore Capital Holdings Inc's solvency score is 57/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Long-Term Solvency
Low D/E
Negative Net Debt
High Interest Coverage

Abacore Capital Holdings Inc's solvency score is 57/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Wall St
Price Targets

ABA Price Targets Summary
Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

There are no price targets for ABA.
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Not Available
Price Target
Not Available
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Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for ABA is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

Shareholder Yield
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ABA Price
Abacore Capital Holdings Inc

1M 1M
6M 6M
1Y 1Y
3Y 3Y
5Y 5Y
10Y 10Y
Annual Price Range
52w Low
52w High
Price Metrics
Average Annual Return 35.53%
Standard Deviation of Annual Returns 66.71%
Max Drawdown -75%
Shares Statistics
Market Capitalization 3.2B PHP
Shares Outstanding 4 185 930 000
Percentage of Shares Shorted

Competitive Landscape


Abacore Capital Holdings Inc




Real Estate

Market Cap

3.2B PHP

Dividend Yield



AbaCore Capital Holdings, Inc. operates as a holding company, which engages in financial services, real estate, gold and coal mining. The firm has interests in the leasing of gaming equipment, gold and coal mining, real estate and financial services. The firm operates through three segments: holding company, real estate business and financial services. The holding company segment is primarily engaged in purchasing, owning, holding, transferring, or disposing of real property of every kind and description, including shares of stocks and other securities, contracts or obligations of any corporation or association. The real estate segment includes purchases of land for appreciation. The financial services segment is involved in the accumulation of deposits and extension of rural credits to small farmers and tenants and to deserving rural industries or enterprises. The firm holds 102 gold mining claims in Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur and seven coal blocks, each containing 1,000 hectares, located in Surigao del Sur.


135 JP Rizal St., Milagrosa






See Also

Discover More
What is the Intrinsic Value of one ABA stock?

The intrinsic value of one ABA stock under the Base Case scenario is 0.36 PHP.

Is ABA stock undervalued or overvalued?

Compared to the current market price of 0.72 PHP, Abacore Capital Holdings Inc is Overvalued by 50%.

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